Besides being a poet, dramatist, historian and propagandist Swami Achhutanand founded the Adi Hindu
Mahasabha , an organization
of the Depressed Classes. Swami Achhutanand also founded the news paper Adi- Hindu. There was similarity in the opinions of Swami Achhutanand and Bharat Ratna Baba
Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar about Dalit literature and Dalit empowerment. Both worked for the cooperative partnership in associations and agitations
that took up the causes of the
Dalits. Both worked for the empowerment of Dalits believing that Dalit problem struggle was not only for equality of
political, economic status
but social, cultural, educational partnership in state finance affairs besides providing them dignified
employment opportunities.
Swami Achhutanand, a chamar( leather crafts man) by caste, was born on 6th May, 1879 at
his maternal grandfather's village Saurikh Tehsil Chhibramau District Farukhabad (U.P.) Swami Ji’s father revered Shri Moti
Ram and mother Shrimati Ram Piari. Hira Lal was his childhood name. His parents and uncle had left
the village due to some quarrel with
the Brahmins on caste basis before the mutiny of 1857. They migrated to village Umari Tehsil Sirsaganj of District Mainpuri, situated to the north-east of Agra (U.P).
Swami Ji's father and uncle went to
Denali and joined the army. His elder brother Baant Lal was subedar in army and
his uncle Kaluram too was in army. Hira
Lal’s father passed away when he
was still young and needed fatherly care. However
his uncle Mathura Prasad shouldered this responsibility. Later Mathura Prasad got elevated to the position
of Subedar in the army. Subedar
Mathura Parsad helped Hira Lal, in
his education at Nasirabad, Ajmer (Rajasthan).
Hira Lal was very
brilliant at school. But he discontinued
his education when he was just 14 years of age due to financial distress. Till then he was well
versed with working knowledge of eight Indian languages- Hindi, Sanskrit, Persian, Marathi, Bangla and Punjabi etc. He also studied deeply religious philosophy.
Hira Lal got married to Smt. Hira Bai some
sources name her Durgabai and they were blessed with four daughters (Sushila
Bai, Vidyawati, Shanti Bai, name of 4th could not be
traced). His one daughter got married to Sh. Mangal Singh Jatav of Tikonia,
Murar District Gwalior (MP). Mr. Jatav rose
to the rank of parliamentary secretary in MP government.
Swami Ji was a true
feminist rightist. His life was solely dedicated to the cause of upliftment of women and untouchables. Swami Ji
also changed his name to
"Achhutanand" derived from Achhut or untouchable". Swami Ji
lived in the hearts of illiterate, literate, poor and
rich untouchables.
After leaving school, he joined a group of sadhus
(hermits) and left for a pilgrimage with them. He was in their company for about ten years. Thereafter, he came under
the influence of swami Sachitanand
ji of Arya Samaj and Hira Lal joined him. After joining the Arya Samaj, his name Hiralal was changed
to Swami Hariharanand. During his associations with Arya Samaji’s and
their thought process Swami Hariharanand
was convinced that Arya Samaj was meant to save Hinduism nay Dalits by introducing certain minor reforms in the Hindu Society but failed to change the society radically,
his ultimate goal of life. Their
reforms in the Hindu religion were aimed at blocking conversion of Dalits to
other religions like Islam, Christianity, Sikhism , Buddhism . So he lost love
and faith in Arya Samaj philosophy. Swami
Hariharanand wanted to work towards the annihilation of Hindu Caste
system which supports untouchbility among
the Hindus. When he was
convinced that his goal cannot be achieved by mere lip sympathy, he left Arya Samaj and started Adi-Hindu movement for upliftment of the depressed Classes. Adi- means original inhabitants
of India now also called Dalit,Mulnivasi
etc. In a Shastrarth (philosophical
debate) arranged on 22 October 1921 at Delhi, he defeated Pandit Akhilanandji an arya samaji. He rightly came to the
conclusion that unless the
untouchables secured political rights, there would be no salvation for them. His name Swami Hariharanand was again changed to Swami
Achhutanand. Now he was with the other stalwarts of Adi-Hindu Movement namely Gopal Baba Warangalkar (Maharashtra), Bhagaya Reddy
verma (1888-1939) and B. Shayam Sunder both from AP and a Punjabi Chamar strategist Babu Mangoo Ram Magowalia (1886
Swami Achhutanand a socio-religious revolutionary
founded the Adi-Hindu
Movement in unison with others to achieve equality, liberty, fraternity and justice for the under
privilege untouchable Indian
citizens. Indian government recognized the Adi-Hindu Movement in 1923. He also proclaimed his 7 main
commands of the Adi-Hindu
Movement and explained them as:
There is
one God, who is non- attributor (loosely meaning
universal creator , no worldly means can
attract or influence Him or He cannot be attained by observing
worldly religious rituals , dogmas, austerities ).
religion of Saints is the true religion of India.
All human
beings are equal. To treat someone as high and another as low is wrong.
5. All the Gods enunciated by Brahmanism are untrue. They ought be discarded.
5. All the Gods enunciated by Brahmanism are untrue. They ought be discarded.
6. The so-called untouchables are the
original inhabitants of Bharat
i.e. India.
7. People
should be free from all passions, greed, pride and malice.
8. Their (aboriginal inhabitants’) human rihts, glorious culture
and civilization should be restored
and developed.
The main centre of the
Adi-Hindu movement was at Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh
and from here he propagated the principles of Adi-Hindu
movement in India. Sensing trouble for the Caste Hindus and their
political party Congress from the Adi-Hindu movement,
Mahatma Gandhi's son Dev Dass Gandhi called a meeting in the house of his( Gandhi’s) confidant at Kanpur where he
called Swami Ji and asked him to stop
his movement in the interests of Caste Hindus and Congress party. Dev Dass
proposed to Swami Ji certain financial
allurements as well. On this Soami Ji took out a dried loaf of bread from his pocket saying "It is worth more than, what Mr. Gandhi, you propose. I will not
compromise with the interests of my brethren". Shri Dev Dass Gandhi then
started calling Soami Ji as "Juta
(Shoe) Nand Soami" This story has resemblance to Guru Nanak Dev's refusal of rich food offered by one Dewan Malik Bhago and instead took dried poor
quality flour bread of poor
carpenter Bhai Lalo.
Swami Achhutanand was
a great rationalist of his times. He viewed any
principle and policy from utility point of view. He tried to eradicate irrationalism, sub-casteism and superstitions from among
the Depressed Classes. He advised Dalits that the caste system had been purposely supported by the foreign invaders and rulers on India therefore it should be given up.
The depressed Classes should not
accept such an ugly system, which differentiates man from man. He felt that the main objective of the untouchables
was to attain
emancipation from caste based oppression, which could be possible only by their
involvement in
gainful politics. They should be free from the yoke of Manu made Caste system. Dalits ( Castes
falling under present day SCs, STs and OBCs
catagories ) should put a united struggle for achieving their human
rights. In order to abolish sub-castes among the Dalits, he invariably used to take every alternate meal with a man of different caste. He exhorted them to abolish
sub-castes by inter sub-caste
marriages. He used to tell his people to seek help from Christians or
Muslims if needed. They should take the help of Christian missionaries to educate their children.
Previously, his own near one's had been
reluctant to accept his thoughts. When he
was in Agra for the purpose of his mission, he was driven out by the men of his own community. But later seeing his
work he became very popular among the depressed classes and attracted many people towards his movement.
the Prince of Wales was to visit India in October 1921-March 1922, the Congress Party decided to boycott him. However, Swami Achchutanand and his
followers decided to accord a grand welcome to him on the occasion of his visit
to Delhi. Therefore, a huge rally was arranged at Delhi on 17th
February 1922. Swami Ji submitted
written memorandum having seventeen demands of Dalits for the sympathetic
consideration of the British Crown. The
memorandum contained the following demands:-
Adi-Hindus must be given separate electorate and separate representations.
For the progress of the untouchables, government must open schools and colleges and give admission in them to untouchables.
For the progress of the untouchables, government must open schools and colleges and give admission in them to untouchables.
There must
be a strict law to annihilate the untouchbility.
educated untouchables must be absorbed in the Government jobs.
There should be nomination of
untouchables in the municipal committees.
district boards, village Panchayat,
town areas and notified areas committees
should be granted liberty to do business
and shop keeping.
There must
be ban on forced labour.
There must
be equal rights for untouchables as compared to the
"swarnas or Upper caste" Hindus.
There must
be untouchables' representation in government and non-government committees in proportionate to their population.
There must
be stipends for the untouchable students.
There must be exclusive colleges for the untouchables where theirs population is in majority.
There must
be recruitment for untouchables in the police and army.
should be increase in the labour rate.
The chowkidars
of the villages should be
must be allotted land on lease.
should be representation of untouchables in the state assemblies.
The above
demands should be implemented in the princely states also.
In reply the Prince said that, "I thank
you very warmly for the very kind
and enthusiastic welcome which you have given me on two occasions at Delhi. I much value your
good wishes; I wish the communities whom you represent all
prosperity and well being".
(Walker David, The Prince of India 1923, P.289). As the Prince used word
Sawraj( self rule) in his address so Swami Achhutanand spoke about
his contemplated full Swaraj (Self Rule) or freedom to all and not just a few castes.
Soami Ji's Sawaraj was different
and more practical than as it was visualized by Bal Ganga Dhar Tilk and congress party. Swami
Achhutanand thought that the
communities so far deprived of human rights were really the claimants of Swaraj. Swaraj in which the untouchables had no place, was meaningless.
He was against landlordism. He criticized
the government for its policy of conferring honors on landlords who exploit the
untouchables, kill their kith and kins and attack the chastity of their womenfolk. He stressed for stopping such
honour to those who practiced in human
treatment to untouchables.
A special session of the Depressed Classes representatives from all over India was convened at New Delhi in
December 1927 to discuss the question
of reforms in view of the arrival of the Simon Commission. Swami Achhutanand was Chairman of the Reception Committee of the convention and Sh. M.
C. Rajah presided over the
convention. The convention, demanded separate electorate and increased seats in the legislatures for the Depressed Classes.
Dr Ambedkar and
Soami Ji were working for the upliftment of Dalits and both shared views on the Dalit problems and their solution. Both these Dalit emancipators met
for the first time some time in
Bombay in 1928 in Adi Hindu Samelan. There after both continued liaison and Swami Achhutanand Ji
participated in the Jatav
(Chamars) Sammelan in 1922 at Delhi and
gave some revolutionary suggestions. In 1925, he
migrated and settled at Benajhabar, Idgah,
Kanpur (UP) where Mr. Girdhari Bhagat donated
him the residential plot. He also launched the Adi-Hindu Hindi paper.
The strength of the Adi-Hindu Movement can be
gauged from the facts that in its
procession in Allahabad on 26th December, 1925 over 25,000 dedicated participants took part.
This procession was led by
Swami Ji himself with G A. Gavai (Nagpur) on monocycles followed by a sea of Dalit humanity. On 27th-28th
December 1927, a public
meeting was held, where more than 350 delegates from Punjab attended. The Pandal was
represented by delegates from, Bihar,
Rajasthan, Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, Poona, Hyderabad, Bombay and other states.
In 1927 at Kanpur,
Swami Ji said in a public conference," We Dalits also demand a complete Independence as the Hindus and the Muslims demand. We are the rightful owner
of independence." Swami
Achhutanand met the Simon Commission on 30th Nov 1930 at Lucknow. His comrades who accompanied
Swami Ji were Tilak
Chander Kuril, Girdhari Lal Bhagat, Laxman Parsad, Karorhi Mall Khatik and others. Dr. Ambedkar also met
the Simon Commission with his
comrades as he was then President of Bahashkrit Hitkarini Sabha and submitted as exhaustive memorandum listing grievances and demands of the Depressed Classes. Sri 108 Swami Achhuta Nand Smark
Smiti, the memorial committee
of U.P published a copy of Dr. Ambedkar's hand written letter dated 3rd Feb. 1932 to Swami Ji, in
which Dr. Ambedkar accepted him
as his Guru. Swami Ji
also met the Lothian committee in 1928 at Lucknow.
In 1930, Swami ji sent a telegram in support of Dr. Ambedkar and Rai Bahadur
Srinivasan, the two untouchables invited to the Round Table conferences at London (UK). He also raised voice
for the "Achhutstan" or separate country for Scheduled
Castes. Swami Ji was also a signatory of the
Pune Pact signed on 24th September
1932 to ink the agreement reached between Dr. Ambedkar and Mahatma
Gandhi to solve the dead lock arisen due to
Communal Award and Mahatma Gandhi's fast unto death.
Swami Achhutanand
supported the demand of separate electorate made by Dr. Ambedkar in the Round Table Conferences. Swami ji was against the Rajah-Moonje Pact (MC
Rajah then leader of
Gandhi s Harijan Sewa Sang signed a pact with Dr. BS Moonje, leader of All India Hindu Mahasabha opposing the demand of separate electorate for the Dalit
communalities') .Soami Ji
moved from place to place and propagated against the pact. He strongly opposed the nomenclature
of Harijan given to Dalits by
Mahatma Gandhi. When Mahatma Gandhi was claiming to be the sole representatives of Dalits of India against the
right demand of Dr. Ambedkar, Swami Ji
arranged a demonstration of over 5000 Dalits at Kanpur in support Dr.
Ambedkar and for separate electorates' to Dalits.
In order to bring a
new awareness among the Depressed Classes, in 1922 he started a monthly paper "Achhut", from
Delhi. But circumstances
forced it to be closed soon. However, he again started a monthly magazine in 1922 "Prachin (ancient) Hindu".
This too continued for
a short period of one and a half year. Thereupon "The Adi-Hindu Journal" was started from
Kanpur in 1924 which continued up to 1932. He was a
philosopher-poet and a playwright. He wrote
six books in Hindi —
Balidan (Drama) exposing
Hindu Lord Vishnu
Avtara, Rama for killing
innocent pious Dalit
Saint Shambuk.
Saint Shambuk.
Pukar (Voice of the
untouchables)-Religious songs
Balidan (biography)
Khandani (Heterodoxy
Adi- Vansh
Ka Danka (Drum of
the aboriginal people)- poetry
Swami ji was also a singer. He used to sing his own poems
or songs of new spirit which were very impressive.Swami Ji worked extremely
hard... He fell sick for 23 days and Swami Achhutanand ji left his mortal frame
breathing his last on 20th July 1933 at Kanpur at the ripe age of 54. He
was given “Samadhi” by burying him opposite PS Nazirabad Nai Zamin, Lajpat
Nagar, in Kanpur (UP).
Swami Achchutanand Harihar was convinced
that the untouchables continue to suffer social, political and economic
subjugation as long as they are Hindu. Therefore, he launched Adi-Dharma (a
religion for original race of Bharat-Native Indians) an alternative religion
for untouchables to uplift them socially, culturally, religiously and
economically. He challenged every customs and laws which placed untouchables as
lower castes in the society. While opposing Manusmiriti the following
couplet is from Swami’s composition
“Manusmriti Hamko Jala Rahi Hai” (“Manusmriti
is Burning Us”):
Day in and day out, this Manusmriti is
burning us, burning us, Not letting us climb up, it is degrading us,
degrading us,
While Brahmins and Kshatriyas are allowed to
rise and rise, “Wear your old clothes,” for us is the advice. (The
Hindu dated Sunday, Aug 03, 2008)
Er.H.R.Phonsa Jammu
Author can be reached by hrphonsa@gmail.com or 09419134060
Dated 18-06-2017