Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Was Dr. Ambedkar a Liberator of Dalits only ?
By: Er. H. R. Phonsa
One can only feel sorry to note that Indian Parliament (18th LS) session, called for marking the 75th anniversary of the adoption of its Constitution with other business utilised its scheduled time to the extent of only 52% (LS) and 39%(RS), knowing well every minute of our Parliament costs tax payers Rs 2,50,000/- per minute. It was still more unfortunate that the major controversy involved and chairman of Indian Constitution Drafting Committee Baba Saheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, who laboured with, his reduced team, for 2 years,11 months and 18 days to write World’s best Constitution. The controversy originated from the reply to the debate by Hon’ble Home Minister in Rajya Sabha on 17th Deccember,2024, where he said: “There is a fashion these days — Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar… Had you chanted the name of God these many times, you would have been blessed with heaven in seven births.” Shah’s tone and tenor was one of aggression was stated by “the Wire”. The opposition MPs in Parliament and Indian Public on roads objected to the statement of the Indian Home Minister .Let us examine, why so many people world over , in all life spheres, remember daily and on many special occasions Bharat Ratna Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. Many of Dr. Ambedkar’s followers who take him as their Guide, perhaps has no concept of heaven comforts after death.
It is also a common knowledge that humans remember their elders (Living or dead) for their help, good deeds and sane advises, which they rendered during their life time. Dr. Ambedkar created many worlds records during his life time. He also worked for the welfare of his people, who lived life even worse than animals. He fought to raise them as human, who could now rightfully enjoy all constitutional laws of the land. Such peoples are over 75% of Indian population.
Symbol of world knowledge” Baba Saheb had earned in whole world super academic education degrees. He knew ten languages (Sanskrit included). He had written and deliberated on all world subjects, particularly on the problems and remedies of deprived people. So, anyone who wants to speak or write on important subjects like economics, law, anthropology, politics, religion, education, women empowerment etc. consults the writing of Baba Saheb for guidance even after seven decades of his demise. So, there should not have been any controversy on Dr. Ambedkar’s name reciting, as he has already been declared in survey of 10,000 years for 100 persons by Oxford University as one among 4 at the top (Budha, Mahaveera, Ashoka, Dr. Ambedkar) who worked for world But irruption of a controversy to remember Dr. Ambedkar from Indian Parliament, to which people look for justice and healthy, well-balanced wise thoughts and guidance’s, is unfortunate.
Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar like many others world leaders challenged powerful rulers and religious authorities, for the denied rights of his people, so, cannot be defaulted. Many such Contenders were executed to silence their voice, but he was lucky to get escaped from 10 deadly attacks on him, as Baba Saheb objected to toe their line of thinking. Our freedom struggle carries numerous stories of such rebels, to whom we now respect as Shaheeds (Martyrs). Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s contest was for freedom of India from British Raj in addition to his people’s freedom from religious subjugation and for their denied equality before law of the land.
He was born as a low caste Hindu (Mahar) so he bore worst life treatment from non-else but his own high caste religious persons, who openly claimed/claim Hinduism incomplete without low caste shudras (now OBC, SCs and STs). Despite the facts Shudra practised works and crafts for everybody’s comforts, still all worldly progress doors of education, decent means of employment and dignified life were closed for them till, Baba Saheb and other Dalit freedom icons shake them vigorously and lawfully opened for all Indians.
Manu, the Aryan Law giver made inequality as key to award privileges and punishments for Hindus on the basis of caste gradation. Manu declared, the punishments need reflect the caste order, with the leniency being reserved for the Brahmin and graded severity for the three lower varnas. Hardest punishment for Shudras as per Manu's Law (unit 6). Baba Saheb declared it as root cause discriminations on the basis of caste among Hindus, so burnt on 25Th December,1925.
Against the Hindu text laws based on inequality Baba Saheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, whom many called as modern Manu in the Indian Constitution, he drafted ,guaranteed equality before the law for all persons within the country, regardless of rank or condition of an individual(Art 14) ; Art.15 Prohibits discrimination based on religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth ;Art.16 Guarantees equality of opportunity in public employment ; Art.17 Abolished untouchability and any discrimination or disability that arises from it and Article 21 guarantees right to life and liberty for everybody.
Article 19 guaranteed Freedom of Speech and Expression, peaceful assembly, forming associations or unions or co-operative societies, right to move freely and settle anywhere within territory of India. Article 21 guarantees Protection of life and Personal Liberty according to procedure established by law. Similarly, Article 13(1) States that any law in force before the Constitution that is inconsistent with the fundamental rights is void and 13(2) States that the state cannot make any law that takes away or limits the rights guaranteed in Part III of the Constitution.
While outlaying his commitment for the upliftment of all Shudra castes he said in Bombay Legislative Council in 1927 “Whenever there is a conflict between my personnel interests and the interests of country as a whole, I have always placed the claims of the country above my personnel claims --- when there is a conflict in interests between country and the Untouchables, the untouchable’s interests will take precedence over the interests of the country”.
The population of those to whom Baba Saheb declared as servile (Shudra) classes, was as much as 18.93% of the British India population as per censes of 1901, 1911,1921against 5.52% Brahmins population. Even a stone hearted person shall melt on hearing that a Mahar caste woman was taken to the police court, citing her crime of selling watermelons in open and in Bomey Presidency having then population of 22,081,317(1911) and there was one BA and 6-7 Matriculates in 1918-19 (Dr. Ambedkar memorandum to South -borough Committee). Severely hurt by Hindu’s treatment towards his people with no indications for any change in their behaviour, Baba Saheb in his meeting with the South -borough Committee (27 Jan.1919) demanded equal rights in future Constitution of India for Depressed Classes, as a Separate Minority within Hindu religion, and not as Hindus. Dr. Ambedkar was convinced that most of Hindus leaders (Political and religious) including Gandhi ji were opposed to give Constitutional Rights to Shudras or restructure Hinduism on equality for all. For Such bold speaking, he was taken as a defiant of Hindu religion. But Hindu leaders had already agreed to give such rights to Muslims, Sikhs, Indian Christians, Europeans Anglo Indians communities. Dr. Ambedkar even challenged the Britishers in RTCs to leave India forth with, as they had failed to bring any change for betterment the Indian subservient classes, in their 170 years rule. Dr. Ambedkar betted for freedom to India, with freedom to “Slaves to the British Slaves”. Even in feudal governments, Brahmins were comfortable and Shudras sufferer. Baba Saheb hard labour brought Honour to India and welfare of all Indians. To cut slavery chains of Hindu women Dr. Ambedkar drafted and moved in Parliament, Hindu Code Bill. It was withdrawn by Nehru, due to its opposition by majority Hindu Political& Religious (Misguided women included), leaders. Still later governments could not negate it for long and passed in parts, so Indian women got equality with men in all spheres. For this, Indian women feel indebted to the first Law Minister of India.
He pleaded for freedom to India, as united India in his1946 London press conference as per 1935 Act, proving wrong to those who claimed that Baba Saheb was supporter of division of India on caste lines. (Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar By Dhanjay Keer pages 139, 384). When Churchill in 1942 directed to put all Indian leaders in Andemans and Seyshells jails for their support to “Quit India Movement”. Dr. Ambedkar (Member of Viceroy’s Council) alone had courage to object the PM’s proposals in Council Meeting saying “Gandhi, Nehru, Rajinder Babu etc.” were national heroes and were fighting for independence to India, which was not a crime. Records show Dr. Ambedkar refused all temptations like British Knighthood title with support for his proposals to empowering his SCs/ST people, crores cash offer of Nizam Hyderabad, Premiership offer of Patiala King, if, he enmass their religions, so proving his opponents wrong who termed him as enemy of Hindus.
Dr. Ambedkar founded the Peoples Education Society in 1945 depicts his vision for education to all is now benefitting over 50,000 students from all Castes and religions. Indian labour came from all castes, regions, religions and as Labour member in Viceroy’s Council (1942-46), Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar got enactment for the labour welfare Laws as: Reduction of working hours from12-14 to 8; Health Insurance Scheme; Labour Welfare Funds; Provident Fund Act; Minimum wage; Equal wages for equal work for all; Leave benefits for even piece workers; Dearness Allowance benefits; Maternity leave with pay benefit; Minimum wages Act; Periodic Revision of Scale of Pay; Tripartite resolution of Industrial disputes; Ban on Employment of Women on Underground Work in Coal Mines; Making Indian Factory Act; National Employment Agency (Establishing Employment Exchanges), States and Union Public Commissions etc.
The RBI was established in 1935 following Baba Saheb ‘s research experiences publications for his PhD, DSc Degrees. He also proposed many other financial institutions including Finance Commission, planning commission etc.
A few of Baba Saheb’s visionary planned projects included the many Multipurpose Hydrolectric Projects on rivers for benefits of whole of India. He also planned: India’s Water Policy; Electric Power Planning; Post War Economic Planning and Indian Statistical Law.
Commenting on the Indian Constitution and Baba Saheb Ambedkar: Justice M.C. Chagla, Cabinet Minister, CJ of HC Bombay and long-time colleague of Dr. Ambedkar, said “Every Bhartiya citizen would remember gratefully the name of Dr. Ambedkar, when they enjoyed his, her rights”. These all facts undoubtedly show that Baba Saheb Ambedkar worked for all Indian and they all owe indebted to him.
Words :1756 Dated 30-12-2024
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