Tuesday, March 9, 2021

International Women’s day 2021

International Women’s day 2021 (We salute all those strived hard to arouse self dignity feeling in women folks of world in 1908 till day on 113th IWD) By: Er. H. R. Phonsa(Contact, hrphonsa@gmail.com) The old historical facts show that women all around world were not treated equal with men. Men dominated them despite the facts that their contributions were no way less in family raising, nursing and supporting. The variety of works females carried made life and working easy for family including men. She worked world over for food cooking, give birth and nurse children. She helped in farming, horticulture, harvesting, arranging fodder for animals, fire wood for cooking, arranging water supply, even when these re-resources were scare and scattered. She was of great help in arts, crafts weaving, working, animal rearing maintaining family and society hygiene. The women served men as mothers, sisters, wives husbands, nurses, but had to have meals after all others, at times left over, even remained half fed. The life dependency conditions for females became hardened with change in family patronage from Matriarchal to patriarchal. This later was said to be an organised mischief by men. Although women were not bodily weaker than men and must have equally helped males during animal hunting for food and clothing. But during menstruation, pregnancy, and child birth she needed support. Due such weakness she was over powered by men and enslaved. Even religions sided with men, so fair sex got enslaved with more and more dependency on males. The caste distinctions, a creation of religion, divided workers so made them weak losing sympathies for workers outside their own caste cages. This further downgraded life conditions for women,more so in India. Although many "hagiography", of nobles women (Saints) are found in many religions, but what specific worldly women welfare deeds they performed, remained confined to history ,religious books and preachers. This remained allusive from majority ground level suffering female of their times and even now. These narrations serves as alms acing for religious discourses deliverers say Pujaries , Bhayies, Mullas, ulamas , Christian clergies for their self supporting and raising worldly institutions . The inferiority complex in women was created, by duo, religious peers and men of terrors. Majority Vedic Hindu Pujaries avoided taking food cooked by even their house ladies, so cooked their food themselves. Every upper caste male child had to undergo sacred thread (Yajnyopavit) ceremony to get pollution free from the birth pollutions, he got from his mother. Every Hindu woman was treated even worse than an outcaste with only right to bear children. With the passage of time, enlightenment evolved, giving new thought processes for evolution of new techniques, theories and governances .The new evolved systems developed on ideas of self government, monarchical, autocratic etc. But none provided relief to ,or rescued women from her hell like life in male domination societies. Subsequently birth of democratic and industrialization in Modern Era changed life conditions drastically in many ways. However to have parity between men and women’s equality rights in wage and working, it took long time to materialise. Lot many public agitations, government resistances, law suits, beatings, killings, policing, in-comforts had to be surmounted by women before reaching present level comforts. But such things are still a dream in some places, communities, countries. Some women denounced world for different reasons, spent their lives in service of mythological Bhaghwans , Gods, Deity’s, but their exploitations continued . In prehistoric times some 25 centuries before Christ Lord Buddha gave message of love, compassion, non violence for all including women. He allowed entry of women into his Dhamma. In India many male visionary souls from early modern era joined extending helping hands to women to shed their feeling of inferiority. Rare of the rarest example was initiation into Bhagati Movement of Meerabai Rajput (1498-1547), Jhali like queens by a low caste (Chamar) Guru Ravidas (1377-1528CE) Ji Maharaj, blowing to winds the man made distinctions based on caste and sex. This acted as a democratic thought wave spouting for future guidance to give democratic government a chance. Although it was a localised teaching of a supreme mind but must have professed the future line of thinking for equal rights all including the world of women. He knew that it was the only way out to give universal brotherhood a chance to grow and flourish for world peace and prosperity. But this had very little effect in caste infested India, as the women and untouchable were badly enslaved falsely in the name of Divine assigned duties to improve their next birth. This thought even crossed seven seas assuming name as Protestant Movement of Christianity. One of the earliest efforts to empower women starting from their education was started in India, by Mahatama Jyotiba Phuley (1827-1890) and his visionary wife Mata Savitibai Phuley (1831-1897) by opening a series of schools ( 18 in Number) some with co education . They opened first girl’s school on 1-1-1848 at Poona ( Now Pune) Maharastra , India, despite life threats from upper caste Hindus. The upper castes Hindus had declared education to girls was an irreligious act. Fatma Bibi , a Muslim and Sagunabai,cousin sister of Jyotirao with some Christian Missionaries helped the Phuley couple in their revolutionary step to educate girl children. Their thought process of equal rights for Indian women, achieved desired goals, when Dr Baba Saheb B.R. Ambedkar’s, written Indian Constitution, was passed and adopted by the Constitutional assembly of 292, Indian elected house on November 26, 1949 adopting adult suffrage including women attaining 21year age. Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar himself was a great champion of women freedom. He worked hard to get freed Indian woman from religious exploitations preached and supported by religious Pandits , Mullahs, clergy’s etc. Dr Baba Saheb often said that he measured the progress of a society, by the progress achieved by its women. He also said meaning of freedom without freedom to women is meaningless. Women should strive to be friend to their husbands rather than slaves. The political uprising in West countries over all shook the society from late14th century to care women. Women like Christine de Pisan (1364 – c.1430) from Italy, challenged prevailing undesired attitudes toward women with a bold call for female education. Her action prompted three American well meaning women Joining hands in giving flip to women right movement . They were Elizabeth Cady Stanton ( 1815-1902), Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906) and Lucretia Mott (1793-1880) who helped bring in an era of women welfare They organised women for their social equality ,education and suffrage rights. They were holding conventions, demonstrations and put up strong challenge to get all their human rights including abolishing their slavery. The British writer, philosopher, and advocate of women's rights Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1997) analysed the conditions for a modern woman. She questioned truth of J-J Rousseau’s (1712-1778) theories like “social contacts” challenging, how women were inferior men. That earned her a distinguished presence among women friendly persons. This movement was joined with more of such human hearted women and it spread over whole world. The result was encouraging results. New Zealand, an island country on 19,September 1893 became first world country to grant suffrage to women in that country. The women unity continued to achieve their equal rights. On February 28, 1909 the Socialist Party of America (1901-72) organized a Women's Day in New York City. The lineage of first ever celebration of IWD can be traced back to 1908, when 15,000 female workers marched in New York City roads , as they sought more humane working hours, better pay and the right to vote for women. In German a woman named Clara Zetkin ( 5 july,1857 to 20 June 1933), a teacher by profession and she was interested in women's politics. She wanted equal opportunities and women's suffrage by adopting socialist means. She worked in women folk to make them aware of their equal rights with men, prepare them to fight for their rights. In 1910, Clara Zetkin floated the idea to celebrate International Women Day annually. She tabled a motion during a conference of 100 women delegates from 17 countries , and the moton was adopted unanimously. It was first time celebrated in 1911, in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland . Since then the International Women’s Day is celebrated annually on 8th March. With rising awareness level and, unity among women world over governments were forced to change their attitudes towards about half of world population. After women gained suffrage in Soviet Russia March 8. 1917 and the day became a national holiday there. On 21 November 1918 British Parliament allowed voting rights to its women on attaining 21 years age. The American Constitution granted American women the right to vote from August 18, 1920, conceding to over 100 years continuous demands and protests by women. The United Nations Convention1952, adopted that “women shall be entitled to vote in all elections on equal terms with men, without any discrimination.” Currently barring a highly religious place democracy “Vatican City” women enjoy suffrage in all world democracies. The women suffrage struggle was awarded when in the world history Madam Khertek Anchimaa-Toka, a soviet woman served as Chairwoman of the Tuvan People’s Republic, called the Little Khural, from 1940 until 1944. She proved her excellent head qualities by serving in most difficult times as II- WW. The race to occupy world countries’ top political and administrative positions by women is continuing with many new annual additions. Indian Constitution legally removed all age old road blocks in the progress of women and underpriced sections of Indian society. It banned all old rules from Indian soil which do not commensurate with the statue laws. But alas the condition of rural women has not improved to the desired level. Still there exits sky differences in urban and rural level education, economic, individual dignity of Safaikaramchari, sex workers, slum dwellers. The UN began celebrating International Women's Day from the Year 1975. Today, International Women's Day is a public holiday in some countries, filled with joyous celebrations. IWD is yet ignored in some countries, a day of protest in others. On this day countries celebrate women achievements besides over all progress made by their countries with women contributions. To marrow the 8th March, 2021 , the world will celebrate One Hundred and thirteenth IWD with the theme topic "Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world" highlighting the impact that girls and women worldwide had made as health care workers, caregivers, innovators and community organizers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Let us all remember all those bravo women of yester years, who fought hard to get equal rights for their sisters. We should also salute those who pledge on IWD to carry forward commitments made in 1910 by their sisters, mothers, grandmothers and womenfolk world over. Words 1800 Dated 7th March,2021.