Friday, December 25, 2020

Why Manusmriti was Burnt

Why Manusmriti was Burnt ( On the eve of 93 Anniversary of Manusmriti Burningfalling on 25th Dec,2020) By:- Er. H. R. Phonsa Ninety two years ago today, that is, on December 25, 1927, Baba Saheb Dr.Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar( Now Bharat Ratna) burned Manusmriti as a symbol of rejection of the religious based high and low caste divisions. This caste divide among Hindus continue to block all progressive channels for the untouchables ( now Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes). Caste based untouchbility caused insurmountable numerous miseries including blocking of all progressive and honorable means of livelihood of low caste Hindu religious human skeletons classified as Sudras, Ati Sudras ,blocking their legitimate right to ask for Human Rights. This was cause of burning a book written by Manu sometime circa 200 B.C. This human unnatural divide book was also known as Manav Dharam Shastra, is the earliest metrical work on Brahminical Dharma in Hinduism. According to Hindu mythology, the Manusmriti is the word of Brahma, the Creator of universe and it was classified as the most authoritative statement on Dharma. The original book was in Sanskrit Language and was said to be written to maintain rule of the land on vedic concept. The MDh [Manusmriti] was the first Indian legal text introduced to the western world through the translation of Sir William Jones in 1794. The book written to divide human duties have resulted in permanent divide of Labour, so said Dr. Ambedkar. It was not with out a special reason, to burn a book, for a world class scholar, who owned world’s biggest private library with over 50,000 books. Dr. Ambedkar was the greatest book lover of his times. Baba Saheb not only burnt Manusmriti the inhuman divide of human but gave Free India its Constitution based on rule of Equality, individual Dignity to generate Fraternity. So he is also called Modern Manu and the father of Indian Constitution. Why it was thought to burn Manusmiriti Manusmititi is a Hindu Law code book which denies/denied all human rights to untouchable( Now called Scs, STs, OBCs) and all women irrespective of her caste affiliations. The event was arranged during the Mahad Satyagraha. Mahad Satyagraha was perhaps first fight in world history to exert right to take water from public water bodies by human who were classified as Hindus Shudras. It was also a declaration to fight by Untouchable to regain their lost humanrights and dignity, which was denied to them till then. For Baba Saheb a committed advocate for untouchable and women’s rights for their emancipation from prevailing inhuman slur.So it was a political action to burn Manusmriti in full public view as Baba Sahib was convinced that the book entailed the rules preaching inhumane treatment not only towards women but also “Untouchables”, in all walks of life both in private or public spheres. It was clear revolt against Brahmanism by their religious brothers untouchables, by Dr. Ambedkar the highest intellectual scholar with topmost academic qualifications as University of Mumbai (B.A., M.A.) Columbia University (M.A., PhD) London School of Economics (M.Sc., D.Sc.) Gray's Inn (Barrister-at-Law), whoalso knew ten languages. The actual burning of Manusmiriti on 27th Decemember 1927 was joined among others by Saraswati Brahmin Gagadhar Neelkanth Sahasrabuddhe affectionately called as “Bapu” by his Ambedkarite admirers,who was a committed volunteer of the Samaj Samata Sangha founded by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and served in the Social Service League as its chief. R.K Kshirsagar in his book “Dalit Movement in India and its Leaders( 1857-1957)” writes that Gagadhar Neelkanth Sahasrabuddhe alias Bapu saheb was a Brahmin by caste, social worker and actually he burnt the Manusmiriti in full public view at Mahad where besides many others P.N. Rajbhoj, B.K. Giakward, Mr. Sitaram Shivtarkar and Dr. Ambedkar were present with their thousands of followers. Bapu Saheb Sahasrabuddhe was the Secretary of the Municipal Kamgar Sangha (Worker’s Union) led by Dr. Ambedkar. He served as the editor of the Janata till 1955. This fortnightly paper later weekly was initially started by Dr. Ambedkar on 24th November 1930 as a special tool to support and publicize policies and programs of Depressed Classes Movement. The weekly was later renamed as Prabhuddha Bharta on Dr Ambedkar’s directions on 4th February 1956. Another site ( article “Manusmiriti Dahan Din” by Dr. K. Jamanadas has mentioned that a "vedi" was created beforehand to burn Manusmriti. Six people were labouring for two days to prepare it. How the act was performed: A pit six inches deep and one and half foot square was dug in, and filled with Sandle wood pieces. On its four corners, poles were erected, bearing banners on three sides. Three sides Banners said, 1. "Manusmriti chi dahan bhumi", i.e. Crematorium for Manusmriti. 2. Destroy Untouchability and 3. Bury the Brahmanism. On 25th December, 1927, at 9 p.m., the book of Manusmriti was kept on this and burned at the hands of BapuSaheb Sahastrabuddhe and another five six Dalit Sadhus. At the meeting there was BabaSaheb's historical speech. The main points of speech: We have to understand why we are prevented from drinking water from this tank. He explained Chaturvarna, and declared that our struggle is to destroy the fetters of Chaturvarna; this was the starting point of the struggle for equality. He compared that meeting with the meeting of 24th Jan. 1789, when Loui XVI of France had called a meeting of French people’s representatives. This meeting killed king and queen, harassed and massacred the upper classes, remaining were banished, property of the rich was confiscated, and it started a fifteen year long civil war. People have not grasped the importance of this Revolution. This Revolution was the beginning of the prosperity of not only France but whole of Europe and has revolutionized the whole World. He explained French Revolution in detail. He then explained that our aim is not only to remove untouchbility but to destroy chaturvarna, as the root cause lies there. He explained how Patricians( Rich and ruling class people) deceived Plebeians( all others eexcludingPatricians) in the name of religion. The root of untouchbility lies in prohibition of inter-caste marriages, that we have to break, he thundered. He appealed to higher Varnas to let this "Social Revolution" take place peacefully, discard the Sastras, and accept the principle of justice, and he assured them peace from our side. After the Manusmriti was burned four resolutions were passed and a Declaration of Equality was pronounced. He further declared, that if unfortunately, this burning of Manusmriti does not result in destruction of "Brahmanya", we will have to either burn the "Brahmanya-grast" people (i.e. affected by Brahmanism), or renounce Hinduism. He sincerely tried for three decades to convince Hindu leaders to mended inhuman rules of Hinduism towards their religious brethren untouchables . But Hindu political and religious leaders paid no heed to his advises, so he finally embraced his ancestral faith, Buddhism on 14th October,1956 with Lacs of his followers, making a history of sorts, as never before such a large numbers of persons, willfully left a religion of their ancestors followed for centuries. Let each Dalit on this historic day, the 25th December have self introspection whether he/she has adhered to the advice of their emancipator, if not why not. They must evaluate the loss they have suffered for not following ideals of their liberator. They must think of correction in their actions so far ignored. Their emancipator Baba Sahib Dr. Ambedkar lost his four kids,his wife besides his life comforts for welfare of his people. He died under debit of rupees Forty thousands. His followers need to think for the good future of their generations with dignity. Let the Dalits know that till Baba’s written Constitution is alive they are alive. They should save it as their first religious act. Baba Saheb’s real followers need to salute those who organized Manusmriti Dehan, burnt it and witnessed this scene ,93years hence and also for showing way to their future generations to fight for their legitimate rights. But now their every protest or fight should be under Constitution frame work. Words1333 Dated 25-12-2020